About Us

Branch Officers

Co-Presidents: Pat Rice
Carmen Tripp
Past President: Kathy Larson
Program Vice President: Mary Niermann



Membership Vice President: Kathy Larson
Treasurer: JoEllen Schultz
Secretary/Communications: Pauline Achreiber
AAUW Funds Vice President: Liz Hartman
Public Policy Vice President: Sue Willcutt
Sue Stout
Diversity Vice President: Diane Hagen

Committees — Chairs — Groups


Historian: Pat Umbreit
Educational Equity: Gloria Olson
Diane Hagen
Pauline Schreiber
Kathryn Speulda
Environmental Issues: Liz Hartman
Pauline Schreiber
Pat Rice
Education — Scholarship: Karen Rasmussen
Lavonne Venero
Bylaws: Karen Rasmussen
Auditor: Karen Rasmussen
Sportswoman of the year: Mary Osborne
Nominating: Current Officers
Project Star: Barb Dubbels
Book sale:




Halloween Breakfast

Pat Rice
Liz Hartman
Kathy Larson
Mary Lillquist
Mary Niermann
Judy Graham
Bonnie BeckerKathy Larson
Karen Rasmussen
Isabell Monk O”Connor
Ruth Ann Marsh
Gail Kielmeyer
Yearbook: Pat Umbreit
Book Club: Barb Dubbels
Communique: Liz Hartman
Emily Nesvold
Social Events:
Website Contact
Sue Olson
Emily Nesvold